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How Do I Set Up Rules, Scenes, and Schedules?

Rules can only be set up from the Web Portal.

Set up rules, scenes, and schedules to automate your home and make life more convenient. Here are just a few examples.  

  • Disarm your security system when you unlock your door
  • Turn on lights when you approach the house
  • Adjust the thermostat when your system is armed away
  • Schedule your lights to turn on automatically at sunset
  • Schedule your thermostat to adjust up/down for energy savings

To setup rules:

  • From the Web Portal, go to Automation
  • Click on Rules, and then Add a Rule.
    • Name your Rule
    • Choose what should trigger the automation
    • Select the device you’d like to automate
    • Set the time frame
    • Save the Rule

You can also set rules for specific devices or setup Geo-Services to automate your home based on the location of your smartphone. 

Scenes allow you to trigger a series of actions with the touch of a button. Choose from default scenes like “Home” or “Away”, or create your own. Each Scene can control multiple components of the home, including the security system, lights, locks, and thermostats.

Updated on 06 Nov 2023